Nifty Fifty: From Novel to Fashion Line, This Debut Celebrates Women Over 50

Nifty Fifty From Novel to Fashion Line

Lena Benjamin’s debut novel, Nifty, is more than just a heartwarming story of second chances. It’s a multi-faceted project encompassing a book, a film adaptation in the works, and a soon-to-launch sustainable fashion line called Nifty Avenue. This inspiring tale follows Lena Richards, a woman over 50, and her best friend Ella as they embark on a bold entrepreneurial journey – creating a clothing line designed specifically for the discerning 50+ woman.

The novel delves into the challenges and triumphs of building a business from the ground up, showcasing the power of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit. Benjamin, herself nearing 50, found inspiration in her own life experiences and a desire to celebrate this vibrant demographic often overlooked in popular culture and fashion.

But Nifty goes beyond the written word. Benjamin envisions a full-fledged multimedia experience. A film adaptation is in development, bringing the story of Lena and Ella to life on the big screen. Additionally, Nifty Avenue, the sustainable fashion line featured in the novel, is poised to become a reality, offering stylish and comfortable clothing designed for the unique needs of women over 50.

This ambitious project is a testament to Benjamin’s entrepreneurial spirit. Turning 50 into a springboard for new opportunities, she’s built a website ( to connect with potential collaborators and supporters.

The website offers a glimpse into the world of Nifty, with dedicated sections for the novel, film, and fashion line. Aspiring publishers, screenwriters, and fashion designers are encouraged to get involved, with specific contact information for each area.

Benjamin’s story is more than just self-promotion; it’s a call to action. She encourages readers to chase their dreams, regardless of age. By putting her own audacious plan into motion, she serves as an inspiration to others to embrace new beginnings.

So, what are you waiting for? Whether you’re a potential collaborator on the Nifty project or simply seeking inspiration, visit and be a part of this empowering journey. Remember, sometimes the universe conspires to give you what you desire, but only if you take that first step.



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